Fortgeschrittene Themen im SAT Solving


The seminar is a journey through advanced topics on propositional satisfiability (SAT) solving. With selected high-influence papers from the field of SAT solving, we take a close look at how modern SAT solving has evolved over the last years and learn about the major cornerstones of modern and efficient large scale SAT solving systems.

We would like each participant to present a certain topic on the basis of one to two fitting scientific papers. We expect the participants to not only reproduce the papers' content but also to reflect, compare, and discuss them. The presentation should be around 30 minutes followed by 15 minutes of discussion. There are no written assignments in this seminar.

Having completed the course "Practical SAT solving" is not a requirement but will most likely give a headstart when preparing for the chosen topic. Please state your interest in an email to dominik.schreiber and markus.iser and we will let you know when we will kick-off the seminar (end of October / begin of November) and present the available topics.

Vortragssprache Deutsch/Englisch