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Please find the current webpage of Dominik Schreiber at
The below information is preserved for archival purposes but is no longer being updated.
Curriculum Vitae
- Post-doctoral research fellow (since 2023)
- Doctoral studies at ITI with Prof. Sanders (2018-2023)
- Double-degree Master studies in Computer Science: Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Germany and Grenoble Institut National Polytechnique (INP), France (2016-2018)
- Bachelor studies in Software Engineering (B.Sc.): University of Stuttgart, Germany (2013-2016)
For more details, please consult my private homepage.
Research Interests
- Scalable resolution of NP-hard problems
- SAT solving
- automated planning
- scheduling
- Parallel and distributed discrete algorithms (HPC, cloud)
- Reliable and trustworthy approaches to parallel+distributed automated reasoning
- Mallob (Malleable Load Balancer / Massively Parallel Logic Backend): Platform for massively parallel and distributed computations, focusing on SAT solving on-demand.
- International SAT Competitions: 1st Place in Cloud Tracks (1600 hardware threads) 2020-2023, further top placings in Parallel Tracks (64 hardware threads) 2021-2023. — press article 2020, website of SAT Competitions
- Nominated for Best Paper Award @ 28th International European Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing (Euro-Par) 2022
- Lilotane (Lifted Logic for Task Networks): Automated planner for hierarchical planning problems using an advanced encoding into SAT. 2nd place in Total Order Track of International Planning Competition 2020.
- HTN-SAT (Hierarchical Task Networks via SATisfiability): Totally-ordered, quality-aware HTN planning system using incremental SAT solving; predecessor of Lilotane.
Akram, M.; Maas, N.; Sanders, P.; Schreiber, D.
2025. 2025 Proceedings of the Symposium on Algorithm Engineering and Experiments (ALENEX), New Orleans, 12th-13th January 2025, 168–180, Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics Publications (SIAM). doi:10.1137/1.9781611978339.14
Schreiber, D.; Sanders, P.
2024. Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research, 80, 1437–1495. doi:10.1613/jair.1.15827
Taitler, A.; Alford, R.; Espasa, J.; Behnke, G.; Fišer, D.; Gimelfarb, M.; Pommerening, F.; Sanner, S.; Scala, E.; Schreiber, D.; Segovia-Aguas, J.; Seipp, J.
2024. AI Magazine, 45 (2), 280–296. doi:10.1002/aaai.12169
Schreiber, D.
2024. Ausgezeichnete Informatikdissertationen 2023. Hrsg.: R. Reischuk, 281–290, Köllen Druck+Verlag. doi:10.18420/Diss2023-28
Schreiber, D.
2024. S. Chakraborty & J.-H. R. Jiang (Eds.), SAT 2024, August 21-24, 2024, Pune, India, Art.-Nr. : 25, Schloss Dagstuhl - Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik (LZI). doi:10.4230/lipics.sat.2024.25
Schreiber, D.; Sanders, P.
2024. HOPC’24: Proceedings of the 2024 ACM Workshop on Highlights of Parallel Computing. Ed.: L. Dhulipala, 11–12, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM). doi:10.1145/3670684.3673414
Akram, M.; Schreiber, D.
2024. Proceedings of the 36th ACM Symposium on Parallelism in Algorithms and Architectures, 36th ACM Symposium on Parallelism in Algorithms and Architectures (2024) Nantes, Frankreich, 17.06.2024–21.06.2024, 137–139, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM). doi:10.1145/3626183.3660268
Hespe, D.; Hübner, L.; Hübschle-Schneider, L.; Sanders, P.; Schreiber, D.
2023. High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering ’21 – Transactions of the High Performance Computing Center, Stuttgart (HLRS) 2021. Ed.: W. Nagel, 439–449, Springer International Publishing. doi:10.1007/978-3-031-17937-2_27
Schreiber, D. P.
2023, December 5. Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT). doi:10.5445/IR/1000165224
Michaelson, D.; Schreiber, D.; Heule, M. J. H.; Kiesl-Reiter, B.; Whalen, M. W.
2023. Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems : 29th International Conference, TACAS 2023, Held as Part of the European Joint Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software, ETAPS 2022, Paris, France, April 22–27, 2023, Proceedings, Part I. Ed. by Sriram Sankaranarayanan, 348–366, Springer Nature Switzerland. doi:10.1007/978-3-031-30823-9_18
Sanders, P.; Schreiber, D.
2022. Journal of Open Source Software, 7 (76), 4591. doi:10.21105/joss.04591
Sanders, P.; Schreiber, D.
2022. Euro-Par 2022 : Parallel Processing. Hrsg.: J. Cano, 119–135, Springer International Publishing. doi:10.1007/978-3-031-12597-3_8
Schreiber, D.
2021. Journal of artificial intelligence research, 70, 1117–1181. doi:10.1613/jair.1.12520
Schreiber, D.; Sanders, P.
2021. Theory and Applications of Satisfiability Testing – SAT 2021. Ed.: C.-M. Li, 518–534, Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-80223-3_35
Fieger, K.; Balyo, T.; Schulz, C.; Schreiber, D.
2019. Proceedings of the 12th Annual Symposium on Combinatorial Search (SoCs 2019), Napa, CA, July 16-17, 2019, 61–69, AAAI Press
Froleyks, N.; Balyo, T.; Schreiber, D.
2019. Proceedings of the 12th Annual Symposium on Combinatorial Search (SoCs 2019), Napa, CA, July 16-17, 2019, 70–78, AAAI Press
Schreiber, D.; Pellier, D.; Fiorino, H.; Balyo, T.
2019. Proceedings of the 29th International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling (ICAPS 2019), Berkeley, CA, July 11-15, 2019, Ed.: J. Benton, 382–390, AAAI Press
Schreiber, D.; Pellier, D.; Fiorino, H.; Balyo, T.
2019. Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2019), Prague, CZ, February 19-21, 2019. Ed.: J. van den Herik. Vol. 2, 531–538, SciTePress. doi:10.5220/0007343305310538
Schreiber, D. P.
2018. Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT). doi:10.5445/IR/1000104165
Title | Author(s) | Source | Date |
Mallob{32,64,1600} in the SAT Competition 2023 | Dominik Schreiber |
SAT Competition 2023, Cloud & Parallel Track |
2023 |
Mallob in the SAT Competition 2022 | Dominik Schreiber |
SAT Competition 2022, Cloud & Parallel Track |
2022 |
Mallob in the SAT Competition 2021 | Dominik Schreiber |
SAT Competition 2021, Cloud & Parallel Track |
2021 |
The HTN Domain "Factories" | Malte Sönnichsen, Dominik Schreiber |
Proceedings of 10th International Planning Competition: Planner and Domain Abstracts |
2021 |
Lifted Logic for Task Networks: TOHTN Planner Lilotane in the IPC 2020 | Dominik Schreiber |
Proceedings of 10th International Planning Competition: Planner and Domain Abstracts |
2021 |
Engineering HordeSat Towards Malleability: mallob-mono in the SAT 2020 Cloud Track | Dominik Schreiber |
SAT Competition 2020, Cloud Track |
2020 |
PASAR Entering the Sparkle Planning Challenge 2019 | Nils Froleyks, Tomas Balyo, Dominik Schreiber |
Technical Report, Sparkle Planning Challenge 2019 |
July 2019 |
Aquaplanning: An Educational Framework for Automated Planning | Tomas Balyo, Dominik Schreiber, Patrick Hegemann, Jeremias Trautmann |
Technical Report, Sparkle Planning Challenge 2019 |
July 2019 |
Title | Location | Date |
Decentralized Online Scheduling of Malleable NP-hard Jobs | Glasgow, UK |
August 2022 |
Scalable Satisfiability-driven Problem Solving | Dresden |
Juni 2022 |
Lilotane: A Lifted SAT-based Approach to Hierarchical Planning | Montreal-themed Virtual Reality |
August 2021 |
Scalable SAT Solving in the Cloud | Barcelona, ES |
July 2021 |
Finding Optimal Longest Paths by Dynamic Programming in Parallel | Napa, CA, USA |
July 2019 |
Tree-REX: SAT-based Tree Exploration for Efficient and High-Quality HTN Planning | Berkeley, CA, USA |
July 2019 |
Efficient SAT Encodings for Hierarchical Planning | Prague, CZ |
February 2019 |
Note: The following lists are outdated; please consult the group's teaching webpages directly.
Title | Type | Semester |
Automated Planning and Scheduling | WS 18/19 | |
Parallele Algorithmen | Vorlesung (V) | WS 18/19 |
Title | Subject | Supervisor |
Scalable Resolution of NP-hard Problems | Parallel and distributed algorithms, SAT Solving, automated planning |
Title | Subject | Supervisor | Student |
Asynchronous Clause Exchange for Malleable SAT Solving | SAT Solving, Distributed Algorithms | Dominik Schreiber, Markus Iser |
Malte Sönnichsen |
Engineering Optimal Solvers for Rubik's Cubes | Combinatorial search | Peter Sanders, Dominik Schreiber |
Tan Grumser |
K-Means in a Malleable Distributed Environment | Distributed Algorithms | Dominik Schreiber |
Michael Dörr |
Cube&Conquer-inspired Malleable Distributed SAT Solving | Distributed Algorithms, SAT Solving | Peter Sanders, Dominik Schreiber |
Maximilian Schick |
Pruning Techniques for Lifted SAT Based Hierarchical Planning | Automated planning | Peter Sanders, Dominik Schreiber |
Nikolai Schnell |
Partially Instantiated Representations for Automated Planning | Automated Planning, SAT Solving, Parallel Algorithms | Dominik Schreiber |
Marvin Williams |
PASAR – Planning as Satisfiability with Abstraction Refinement | Automated Planning, SAT Solving, Heuristic Search | Tomáš Balyo, Dominik Schreiber |
Nils Froleyks |
Cube&Conquer-inspired Techniques for Parallel Automated Planning | Automated Planning, Parallel Algorithms | Tomáš Balyo, Dominik Schreiber |
Jean-Pierre von der Heydt |
Compression Techniques for SAT Formula Descriptions | SAT Solving, Compression | Jens Manig |