
KaMPIng auf SC'24 ausgezeichnetLillie Elliot, SC Photography
KaMPIng awarded at SC'24

21.11.2024: The C++ MPI wrapper KaMPIng was presented at SC'24 in Atlanta by Tim Niklas Uhl and received the Best Reproducibility Advancements Award.

Defense Hans-Peter Lehmann
Hans-Peter Lehmann defends dissertation

24.10.2024: Hans-Peter Lehmann receives his PhD, his dissertation is entitled "Fast and Space-Efficient Perfect Hashing".

Golden Spike
HoreKa project receives "Golden Spike Award"

11.10.2024: The HPC project "Scalable Discrete Algorithms for Big Data Applications" on HoreKa has been awarded with the "Golden Spike Award" at the 27th HLRS Results and Review Workshop.

Dominik Schreiber receives awards

28.08.2024: Dominik Schreiber receives two awards for his dissertation "Scalable SAT Solving and its Application": the joint dissertation award from the German Informatics Society, the Austrian Computer Society, and the Swiss Informatics Society; and the Fahiem Bacchus PhD Award in Satisfiability.

MPI library KaMPIng published

17.06.2024: The first version of the C++ MPI wrapper KaMPIng has been released and presented at SPAA. The full paper has been accepted at supercomputing (SC).

Daniel Funke defends dissertation

30.11.2023: Daniel Funke receives his PhD, his dissertation is entitled "Algorithms for Triangles, Cones & Peaks".

Dominik Schreiber defends dissertation

17.11.2023: Dominik Schreiber receives his PhD, his dissertation is entitled "Scalable SAT solving and its application".

Demian Hespe defends dissertation

21.07.2023: Demian Hespe receives his PhD, his dissertation is entitled "Enabling Scalability: Graph Hierarchies and Fault Tolerance".

Tobias Heuer defends dissertation

26.10.2022: Tobias Heuer receives his PhD, his dissertation is entitled "Scalable High-Quality Graph and Hypergraph Partitioning".

Mallob wins SAT Competition

10.07.2020: The massively parallel and distributed SAT solver "mallob" by Dominik Schreiber wins the first prize of the Cloud Track of the international SAT Competition 2020 by a significant margin.

ERC Advanced Grant

31.03.2020: Peter Sanders receives an ERC Advanced Grant for his project „ScAlBox – Engineering Scalable Algorithms for the Basic Toolbox“. For further information, please see the websites of the department of informatics (German only) and the European Research Council. The subject of this project is developing scalable basic algorithmic tools that scale to the largest inputs and to very large numbers of processors.

ESA "Test-of-Time" Award

08.09.2020: Peter Sanders and Ulrich Meyer (University of Frankfurt) gave a talk at the European Symposium on Algorithms 2020 about their paper that won the "Test-of-Time"-award 2019 in March. You can find the talk here.

ALENEX Steering Committee

06.01.2020: Peter Sanders was elected chair of the steering committee of the SIAM Symposium on Algorithm Engineering and Experiments (ALENEX). ALENEX is the premier North American conference on the topic and one of the most important ones worldwide.




  • 23.07.2021
    Tobias Maier receives his PhD, his dissertation is entitled 'Scalable Hash Tables'.

  • 09.07.2021
    In the AWS environment of the International SAT Competition 2021, the scalable SAT solving system Mallob by Dominik Schreiber dominates the Cloud Track (on 1600 hardware threads) and also proves to be highly competitive in the Parallel Track (on 64 hardware threads). All results can be found here.
  • 17.05.2021
    Michael Axtmann receives his PhD, his dissertation is entitled 'Robust Scalable Sorting'.



  • 26.11.2020
    Lorenz Hübschle-Schneider receives his PhD, his dissertation is entitled 'Communication-Efficient Probabilistic Algorithms: Selection, Sampling, and Checking'.

  • 08.09.2020
    Peter Sanders and Ulrich Meyer (University of Frankfurt) gave a talk at the European Symposium on Algorithms 2020 about their paper that won the "Test-of-Time"-award 2019 in March. You can find the talk here.
  • 10.07.2020
    The massively parallel and distributed SAT solver "mallob" by Dominik Schreiber wins the first prize of the Cloud Track of the international SAT Competition 2020 by a significant margin.
  • 31.03.2020
    Peter Sanders receives an ERC Advanced Grant for his project „ScAlBox – Engineering Scalable Algorithms for the Basic Toolbox“. For further information, please see the websites of the department of informatics (German only) and the European Research Council. The subject of this project is developing scalable basic algorithmic tools that scale to the largest inputs and to very large numbers of processors.
  • 16.03.2020
    The Algorithms II written exam on Friday, March 20 2020, was canceled. For further information, please see here.
  • March 2020

    Peter Sanders (together with Ulrich Meyer from the University of Frankfurt) will be awarded the 'Test-of-Time Award' of the European Symposium on Algorithms 2019 (ESA) at ESA 2020.

    ESA is the premier European conference on algorithms research. The ESA Test-of-Time Award (ToTA) recognizes excellent papers in algorithms research that were published in the ESA proceedings 19 to 21 years ago which are still influential and stimulating for the field today. For 2019, the Award Committee selected

    Ulrich Meyer, Peter Sanders
    Delta-Stepping: A Parallel Single Source Shortest Path Algorithm.
    Proceedings of ESA 1998, pp. 393-404.

    Also appeared in
    J. Algorithms 49(1): 114-152 (2003) External Link   

    Laudation of the Award Committee
    The paper presents an ingenious algorithm, dubbed Delta-stepping, for the Single-Source Shortest Path Problem (SSSP). This problem is well understood in the sequential setting (i.e., Dijkstra's algorithm) but its ubiquitous applications call for efficient parallelizations. Most of the sequential SSSP algorithms are based either on label-setting or on label-correcting methods. Label-setting algorithms, like Dijkstra's algorithm, settle at each iteration the distance label of one vertex. Label-correcting algorithms work instead by relaxing edges incident to unsettled vertices: all  labels are temporary until the final step, when they all become permanent. In spite of the great practical performance  of label-correcting methods, label-setting algorithms have been known to be asymptotically superior. In their paper,  Meyer and Sanders show how to fill this gap by presenting Delta-stepping, a new label-correcting algorithm for SSSP  which runs in optimal linear time with high probability for a large class of graphs with random edge weights. They  further provide an efficient parallel implementation of their Delta-stepping algorithm, which has been a reference method and has inspired much subsequent work in parallel algorithms for many years. 

  • 08.01.2020
    Peter Sanders was appointed PC chair for the European Symposium on Algorithms (ESA) (track B - Algorithm Engineering). ESA is the premier European conference on algorithm engineering.
  • 06.01.2020
    Peter Sanders was elected chair of the steering committee of the SIAM Symposium on Algorithm Engineering and Experiments (ALENEX). ALENEX is the premier North American conference on the topic and one of the most important ones worldwide.


  • 27.12.2019
    Prof. em. Dr. Peter Deussen, one of the founders of the Department of Informatics in Karlsruhe, passed away aged 84. He was Prof. Dr. Peter Sanders' predecessor in the professorship for Theoretical Informatics. For further information please see here.
  • 12.12.2019
    The Gauss Centre for Supercomputing has granted 22.5 million core-hours of computing time for our project MasDA: Massively Scalable Discrete Algorithms for the Basic Toolbox.
  • 11.12.2019
    Sebastian Schlag receives his Phd, his dissertation is entitled 'High-Quality Hypergraph Partitioning'.

  • 22.11.2019
    Prof. Dr. Peter Sanders was re-elected to the DFG Review Board and received the highest number of votes. For further information please see here.
  • 11.09.2019
    Two current and two former members of the group win the first place of the fourth "Parameterized Algorithms and Computational Experiments Challenge" (PACE). For further information please see here (German only).

  • 19.06.2019
    Dr. Timo Bingmann receives the Uniserv research award 'Algorithms for efficient data processing' for his dissertation "Scalable String and Suffix Sorting: Algorithms, Techniques, and Tools". For further information please see here (German only).

  • 29.05.2019
    Yaroslav Akhremtsev receives his Phd, his dissertation is entitled 'Parallel and External High Quality Graph Partition'.










May/24/2018: Best Paper Award IPDPS 2018: Communication-free Massively Distributed Graph Generation by D. Funke, S. Lamm, P. Sanders, C. Schulz, D. Strash, M. von Looz

A lot of news is only available in German.

April/13/2018: Unfortunately, Prof. Sanders' lecture "Algorithm Engineering" is NOT taking place in the summer semester of 2018. It will likely be on the schedule again for the summer semester of 2019.

July/13/2015: Sascha Witt will receive one of two "Best Student Paper Awards" on ESA 2015 for his paper "Trip-Based Public Transit Routing".

July/03/2015: KaTCH (Karlsruhe Time-Dependent Contraction Hierarchies) has been released under the terms of GNU AGPL version 3. The source code can be downloaded here or from GitHub.

June/30/2014: A recording of the talk "STXXL 1.4.0. and Beyond" by Timo Bingmann can now be seen on Youtube.

June/05/2012: Prof. Dr. Peter Sanders receives the Landesforschungspreis Baden-Württemberg 2011 (German only) for Applied Sciences.

Mar/08/2012: Prof. Dr. Peter Sanders is  going to give an invited talk at the SEA 2012.
Feb/27/2012: Prof. Dr. Peter Sanders receives the DFG Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Award 2012 in Berlin.
Feb/07/2012: Dr. Robert Geisberger receives the award of the Fördervereins des Forschungszentrums Informatik FZI for his dissertation "Advanced Route Planning in Transportation Networks" (2011)
Feb/02/2012: Prof. Dr. Peter Sanders, Prof. Dr. Dorothea Wagner and Prof. Dr. Hannah Bast (University of Freiburg) received the Google Focused Research Award (press release only German at this point) with a research budget of 1 million dollars.

Dec/08/2011: Prof. Dr. Peter Sanders is going to receive DFG's prestigious Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Award 2012 that consists of 2,5 million Euros in  research funding. For further informations please see the KIT and the DFG press release.
Nov/11/2011: Two papers of the group have been accepted at the Meeting on Algorithm Engineering & Experiments (Alenex12): and
Sep/02/2011: Two papers of the group have been accepted at the 19th ACM SIGSPATIAL International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems (ACM GIS 2011): and
Aug/30/2011: Collaboration within our group and with the University of Berkeley resulted in a presentation at the European Regional Science Association (ERSA 2011):
Mar/10/2011: A presentation has been accepted at the FossGIS 2011 conference: Luxen, Vetter

Feb/23/2011: A paper of the group was accepted by the journal "Sustainable Computing":
Feb/15/2011: Three papers of the group have been accepted at the 10th International Symposium on Experimental Algorithms (SEA 2011): , and .
Feb/4/2011: successfully defends his PhD thesis .
Jan/31/2011: Our EcoSort project was selected as a winner of the nationwide "365 Orte im Land der Ideen 2011" contest. "Selected site" is our project partner Goethe University Frankfurt. The award ceremony takes place on 4/6/2011 in Frankfurt.
Dec/19/2010: A paper was accepted for the 1st International ICST Conference on Theory and Practice of Algorithmis in Computer Systems (TAPAS 2011):