Dr. rer. nat. Jochen Speck
- Herr Dr. Speck hat unser Institut inzwischen verlassen.
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Titel | Autor | Quelle |
Work-Efficient Matrix Inversion in Polylogarithmic Time | Peter Sanders, Jochen Speck, Raoul Steffen |
ACM Transactions on Parallel Computing September 2015 |
Constraint-based large neighborhood search for machine reassignment | Felix Brandt, Jochen Speck, Markus Völker |
Annals of Operations Research, December 2014 |
Two-tree algorithms for full bandwidth broadcast, reduction and scan | P. Sanders, J. Speck, J. Larsson Träff |
Parallel Computing, 2009 |
Titel | Tagung | Autoren |
Locality Aware DAG-Scheduling for LU-Decomposition | IPDPS 2015 |
T. Maier, P. Sanders, J. Speck |
Work-efficient matrix inversion in polylogarithmic time | SPAA 2013 |
P. Sanders, J. Speck, R. Steffen |
Malleable Sorting | IPDPS 2013 |
P. Flick, P. Sanders, J. Speck |
Energy Efficient Frequency Scaling and Scheduling for Malleable Tasks | Euro-Par 2012 |
P. Sanders, J. Speck |
Efficient Parallel Scheduling of Malleable Tasks | IPDPS 2011 |
P. Sanders, J. Speck |
Full Bandwidth Broadcast, Reduction and Scan with only two Trees | EuroPVM/MPI 2007 |
P. Sanders, J. Speck, J. Larsson Träff |
Titel | Typ | Semester |
Parallele Algorithmen - Von Theorie zu Praxis | Proseminar (PS) | SS 2016 |
Seminar Algorithmen in realistischen parallelen Modellen | Seminar (S) | SS 2012 |
Optimierungsprobleme in der Logistik | Seminar | SS 2011 |
Algorithmen I mit Übung | Vorl./Üb. | SS 2010 |
Titel | Typ | Bearbeiter |
In-depth look at LU-decomposition on modern multi-socket hardware | Masterarbeit | Tobias Maier |
Application of Efficient Matrix Inversion to the Decomposition of Hierarchical Matrices | Bachelorarbeit | Moritz Klammler |
Towards Mobile Time-Dependent Route Planning | Bachelorarbeit | Harris Kaufmann |
Exascale Ready Work-Optimal Matrix Inversion | Diplomarbeit | Raoul Steffen |
Paralleles Sortieren als malleable Job | Bachelorarbeit | Patrick Flick |
Job-Scheduling in Main-Memory Based parallel Database Systems | Diplomarbeit | Jochen Seidel |
PCA-Based Compression of Travel Time Functions | Diplomarbeit | Marc Schmitzer |
Prozess-Scheduling in einem eindimensionalen Prozessorarray | Studienarbeit | Jochen Seidel |