Prof. PD. Dr. Christian Schulz
- Prof. Schulz left the institute.
- christian schulz ∂does-not-exist.kit edu
Research Interest
- Graph Partitioning and Graph Clustering
- Combinatorial Optimization
- Parallel Algorithms
- Big Data
Titel | Datum | Autor |
ILP-based Local Search for Graph Partitioning | February 2018 | Alexandra Henzinger, Alexander Noe, Christian Schulz |
Memetic Graph Clustering | February 2018 | Sonja Biedermann, Monika Henzinger, Christian Schulz, Bernhard Schuster |
Memetic Multilevel Hypergraph Partitioning | August 2017 | Robin Andre, Sebastian Schlag, Christian Schulz |
Scalable Kernelization for the Maximum Independent Set Problem | August 2017 | Demian Hespe, Christian Schulz, Darren Strash |
k-way Hypergraph Partitioning via n-Level Recursive Bisection | September 2015 | Sebastian Schlag, Vitali Henne, Tobias Heuer, Henning Meyerhenke, Peter Sanders, Christian Schulz |
Finding Near-Optimal Independent Sets at Scale | September 2015 | Sebastian Lamm, Peter Sanders, Christian Schulz, Darren Strash, Renato F. Werneck |
Advanced Multilevel Node Separator Algorithms | September 2015 | Peter Sanders and Christian Schulz |
Drawing Large Graphs by Multilevel Maxent-Stress Optimization | June 2015 | Henning Meyerhenke, Martin Nöllenburg, Christian Schulz |
n-Level Hypergraph Partitioning | May 2015 | Vitali Henne, Henning Meyerhenke, Peter Sanders, Sebastian Schlag, Christian Schulz |
Incorporating Road Networks into Territory Design | April 2015 | Nitin Ahuja, Matthias Bender, Peter Sanders, Christian Schulz and Andreas Wagner |
KaHIP Poster | April 2015 | Peter Sanders and Christian Schulz |
Graph Partitioning for Independent Sets | Feburary 2015 | Sebastian Lamm, Peter Sanders and Christian Schulz |
Titel | Quelle | Datum | Autor |
Graph Partitioning and Graph Clustering in Theory and Practice | Lecture Notes. |
September 2015 | Christian Schulz and Sebastian Korbinian Bayer, Jan Jacob, Robert Hangu, Sergey Hayrapetyan, Demian Hespe, Christoph Hess, Sebastian Lamm, Eike Röhrs, Henning Schulz, Christian Steiger, Matthias Stumpp, Marvin Teichmann.
Recent Advances in Graph Partitioning | Algorithm Engineering: Selected Results and Surveys |
to appear. | Aydin Buluc, Henning Meyerhenke, Ilya Safro, Peter Sanders, Christian Schulz |
Benchmarks for Network Analysis |
to appear | D. Bader, A. Kappes, H. Meyerhenke, P. Sanders, C. Schulz, D. Wagner |
Titel | Quelle | Datum | Autor |
Turbo für Graphdatenbanken: Graphpartitionierung mit KaHIP | JavaSPEKTRUM 01/15 |
January 2015 | Heiko Papenfuss, Peter Sanders, and Christian Schulz |
Advanced Coarsening Schemes for Graph Partitioning | ACM Journal of Experimental Algorithms |
to appear. | Ilya Safro, Peter Sanders, and Christian Schulz |
Titel | Quelle | Datum | Autor |
Finding Near-Optimal Independent Sets at Scale | ALENEX'16 |
to appear. | Sebastian Lamm, Peter Sanders, Christian Schulz, Darren Strash, Renato F. Werneck |
k-way Hypergraph Partitioning via n-Level Recursive Bisection | ALENEX'16 |
2016 | Sebastian Schlag, Vitali Henne, Tobias Heuer, Henning Meyerhenke, Peter Sanders, Christian Schulz |
Incorporating Road Networks into Territory Design | GIS'15 |
August 2015 | Nitin Ahuja, Matthias Bender, Peter Sanders, Christian Schulz and Andreas Wagner |
Drawing Large Graphs by Multilevel Maxent-Stress Optimization | GD'15 |
to appear. | Henning Meyerhenke, Martin Nöllenburg, Christian Schulz |
Graph Partitioning for Independent Sets | SEA'15 |
to appear. | Sebastian Lamm, Peter Sanders and Christian Schulz |
Practical Massively Parallel Sorting | SPAA'15 |
June 2015 | Michael Axtmann, Timo Bingmann, Peter Sanders, and Christian Schulz |
Parallel Graph Partitioning for Complex Networks | IPDPS'15 |
Mai 2015 | Henning Meyerhenke, Peter Sanders, Christian Schulz |
(Semi-)External Algorithms for Graph Partitioning and Clustering | ALENEX'15 |
January 2015 | Yaroslav Akhremtsev, Peter Sanders, Christian Schulz |
Partitioning Complex Networks via Size-constrained Clustering |
SEA'14 |
Juni 2014 |
Henning Meyerhenke, Peter Sanders, Christian Schulz |
Tree-based Coarsening and Partitioning of Complex Networks |
SEA'14 |
Juni 2014 |
Roland Glantz, Henning Meyerhenke, Christian Schulz |
Efficient Parallel and External Matching |
Euro-Par'13 |
to appear |
Marcel Birn, Vitaly Osipov, Peter Sanders, Christian Schulz, Nodari Sitchinava |
Think Locally, Act Globally: Highly Balanced Graph Partitioning |
SEA'13 |
Juni 2013 |
Peter Sanders and Christian Schulz |
High Quality Graph Partitioning |
to appear |
Peter Sanders and Christian Schulz |
Optimized Hybrid Parallel Lattice Boltzmann Fluid Flow Simulations on Complex Geometries | Euro-Par'12 |
August 2012 | J. Fietz, M. Krause, P. Sanders, C. Schulz and V. Heuveline |
Engineering Graph Partitioning Algorithms | SEA'12 | Juni 2012 | Vitaly Osipov, Peter Sanders, Christian Schulz |
Advanced Coarsening Schemes for Graph Partitioning | SEA 2012 | Juni 2012 | Ilya Safra, Peter Sanders, Christian Schulz |
Distributed Evolutionary Graph Partitioning | ALENEX 2012 | Januar 2012 | Peter Sanders, Christian Schulz |
Engineering Multilevel Graph Partitioning Algorithms | ESA 2011 | September 2011 | Peter Sanders, Christian Schulz |
Engineering State-of-the-Art Graph Partitioning Libraries @KIT |
SimLab@KIT |
November 2011 | Vitaly Osipov, Peter Sanders, Christian Schulz, Manuel Holtgrewe |
Engineering a Scalable High Quality Graph Partitioner |
IPDPS'10 |
April 2010 | Manuel Holtgrewe, Peter Sanders, Christian Schulz |
ORCA Reduction and ContrAction Graph Clustering |
AAIM'09 |
June 2009 | Daniel Delling, Robert Görke, Christian Schulz, and Dorothea Wagner |
Title | Subject | Supervisor |
Minimization of Maximum Communication Volume | Graph Partitioning | |
Pareto Algorithm Configuration | Automatic Algorithm Configuration | |
Knotenseparatoren | Graphpartitionierung | |
Graph Clustering | Graph Clustering |
Andrea Schumm, Christian Schulz |
Evolutionary Graph Coloring | Graph Coloring |
Christian Schulz |
Meta-Heuristics for Graph Partitioning | Graph Partitioning | |
Graph Partitioning | Graph Partitioning |
Title | Type |
Algorithmen II | Vorlesung (V) |
Graphpartitionierung und Graphenclustern in Theorie und Praxis | Vorlesung (V) |
Graphpartitionierung und Graphenclustern in Theorie und Praxis | Vorlesung (V) |
Algorithmen I mit Übung | Vorlesung mit Übung |
Parallele Algorithmen | lecture |
Graphpartitionierung | Proseminar / Seminar (PS) |
Proseminar Algorithmentechnik | proseminar |
Praktikum Algorithm Engineering - Algorithmen zur Graphgenerierung | lab course |
Algorithmen I mit Übung | Vorl./Üb. |